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What are pinhole glasses?

Instead of the optical corrective lenses, the pinhole glasses have curved dark plastic lenses in which many small holes are punched. They are reminiscent of the compound eye of a fly. In fact, an image seen through the pinhole glasses consists of many very sharply focused individual segments. The brain puts them together with increasing mobility of the eye muscles to a complete picture. After a short time, the grid is barely perceived.

There are four types of pinhole glasses available:

Normal grid:

The tried and tested conventional pinhole glasses with full-surface grid (with holes of the same size throughout). These pinhole glasses are suitable for everyone.

Square grid:

The holes of these pinhole glasses have square shape. Many years of experience have shown that this grid application is preferred below 3.0 dioptres and serves as a preventive measure for non-glasses wearers.

Bifocal grid:

These pinhole glasses have two different hole sizes. A smaller and denser grid is located in the upper visual area and a larger and coarser grid in the lower visual area. Many years of experience have shown that this grid application is preferred over 3.0 dioptres and serves as a preventive measure for elderly people.

Fine grid:

Pinhole glasses with a fine grid are the latest innovation. They were developed in cooperation with a sight training centre in the style of the grid glasses of the well-known book author and vision teacher Dr. Janet Goodrich. A fine, regular pattern offers optimum incidence of light, which combines both the training effects and relaxing effects of pinhole glasses.

The effects of pinhole glasses:

Pinhole glasses provide an automatic training of the eye muscles.

  • Pinhole glasses cause about 50% natural calming of the retina.
  • Regular training with pinhole glasses is a holistic method for relaxed, natural vision.
  • Pinhole glasses are very well suited as (full spectrum light-permeable) sunglasses.
  • Pinhole glasses can be worn by everyone and do not have to be adjusted by an optician.
  • Unlike prescription glasses - no pampering of the eyes by pinhole glasses

By wearing pinhole glasses, you automatically train your eye muscles while reading your morning paper, doing strenuous computer work or watching an exciting film in the evening.

It will amaze you again and again. By using pinhole glasses during work or play, you can see well and train the mobility of the eye muscles at the same time.

Regular training with pinhole glasses is a holistic method for relaxed, natural vision. It causes about 50% natural calming of the retina and it can have a positive effect on the entire eye organism, especially the ability of perception, colour perception and light tolerance of your eyes. Even primitive peoples resorted to this "pinhole effect". For example, Eskimos carved eyeglasses from animal bones, just like Filipinos carved from shells, each with a single slit for better orientation in their surroundings.

Modern pinhole glasses focus the incident light beam in front of the eye with the aid of a grid. This allows the image to reach the centre of the retina directly. Now you are able to use your own eye muscles for further focusing. In addition, the brain sets the eye muscles in motion for optimal focusing, which brings the advantage of a permanent training effect and promotes relaxed, natural vision.

+49 8721 12888-0
MO - FR: 08:30 - 13:00 Uhr